
Primary colors for everyone! When I finished this page Lyze asked me how long it'd be until I posted it. I said a little over 2 weeks and he thought it was funny that I dragged it out so long. He wrote it. >.>

15 thoughts on “03/23/2011

  1. Yes, but Adam has a black belt in Ass-Kicking.

    I wonder who’ll win.

  2. This CAN’T end well.

  3. And he’s got a black belt in “handing your ass to you”

  4. It took me two days but I finally made it through the archives. YAY ME!
    I think this is a wonderfully spectacular comic. Every character had relatable moments;even the creepy ones.
    Keeping in mind that that the main characters are 17 and 18 year olds,who at times are not the most emotional or morally stable,I think you are doing a great job showing thier growth throughout the comic. You show them making mistakes but ultimately learning from said mistakes.
    You and Lyze should be commended for the hard work you put into maintaining the artistic quality as well as the quality of the dialouge. I’m so glad I stumbled onto this comic.

  5. Do so love the way you did the last panel. Just gorgeous and so artistic. One of the many reasons I love this comic

    Oh and I agree…bye bye Cyril

  6. Poor, Poor Cyril…. No, No I am not. He deserves this, he so deserves this!

  7. Taekwondo, Cyril? You sure that’s the martial art you learned? Lol

    1. It could have been tai-chi for all he knows.

  8. Damn cliffhangers! >8U

  9. I’m guessing he’s lying. Anyone who fights often, either brawling or in competitions, knows the first thing you gotta do is get your glasses off so you don’t end up with shards of glass in your eyes. And that’s only for the people who can’t stand to wear contacts.

  10. FALCOOOOOON- (to be continued)

  11. Doofus may have a green belt earned in a good Dojo, but organized rule following martial arts only goes so far against street fighting. Especially a redlined street fighter. I call it the KAOBK – Kick Ass Or Be Kicked school of fighting.

  12. I dunno if this has been mentioned, but Unless he is totally bluffing, he has his stance all wrong Lol. That fighting stance he assumed is not at all from Tae Kwon Do, it’s actually from Mantis style Kung Fu… Just pointing it out is all. Not to say I wouldn’t chalk this up to him puffing himself up and bluffing the hell out of Adam though…

  13. Here Adam, take my truck! (Vroom!)

  14. *Insert Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure cliffhanger song here*

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