
Everything is exciting in Taryn's world.

9 thoughts on “12/22/2010

  1. uh oh. we know how adam feels about people wanting to do his mom.

  2. I love that it takes her a panel to add the “if I were gay.”

  3. No worries. We all have that one person…

    Oh, Harrison Ford…

  4. I absolutely love how Taryn uses the subjunctive mood! So few people today do, so perhaps it’s an additional indication of her high level of intelligence.
    “If I were gay…” Brilliant! Any other blond would have said, “If I was gay…”

    1. Hey! Don’t even start with that tedious stereotype! I hate all those overused “Dumb Blonde” jokes that aren’t even funny.
      Well, sorry for the rant, it’s just, I take personal offense to a reference to the stereotypical blonde(skinny, ditzy, egotistical, etc…)

      1. Please, don’t take offense, I was making reference to that characteristic and applauding how this comic has broken the stereotype. So, I suppose the better way to phrase it would be “Any other comic’s blond character would have said…”

  5. I wonder how meany people have a ‘I’d be gay for that’ list? lol

  6. MrPencilSharpener

    The speach bubble almost crushed Adam in the 1st panel lol


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