Ah, so now that they’ve forcefully reunited the mental abuser and his victim, they’re going to dump Myria in an asylum/”somewhere far away and safe” and consider this a “win” for the team.
Instead of, you know, sending Loki to Tartarus or something.
Yeah, Myria was a villain *under Loki’s influence* at the beginning, but without him she seemed normal and regretful. I dunno, this whole arc with them forcing Loki back on Myria just leaves a bad taste in some ways.
3 thoughts on “12-23-2020”
Ah yes. Gve her the Polly Cooper treatment… except Myria’s only carrying one when Polly was carrying twins.
~~Lame Riverdale reference~~
Wait I just thought of something, if they send Myria off to the loony bin, how will Dani keep Loki from being bad? Can her powers reach that far away?
Ah, so now that they’ve forcefully reunited the mental abuser and his victim, they’re going to dump Myria in an asylum/”somewhere far away and safe” and consider this a “win” for the team.
Instead of, you know, sending Loki to Tartarus or something.
Yeah, Myria was a villain *under Loki’s influence* at the beginning, but without him she seemed normal and regretful. I dunno, this whole arc with them forcing Loki back on Myria just leaves a bad taste in some ways.