
10 thoughts on “10/10/2011

  1. If this dream keeps going, he’s going to need to watch his step real soon…

  2. Somebody’s been dream dancing with Charlie Dodgson among the ‘shrooms…

  3. BTW I get a black on black text in these comments and have to either select text to view or use ‘user mode’ to read them.

    1. I have no idea why. It should be black on light grey.

      1. I use Opera latest version and get ‘black on black’ text in the comment area. I’ve checked my settings and they seem OK… I guess I’ll continue to use ‘select text’ and/or ‘user mode’ as appropriate until it gets fixed. Great comic!

        1. Yeah, mine is sorta black on really dark gray, but I still like to read the comments. ^_^

        2. Opera too? I mean I don’t know anything about programming or whatever but if you have something in common I’m sure I can google and figure it out.

  4. Ouch, the pun…

  5. Has anyone noticed one of her eyes was turning red? I just noticed that myself upon re-reading this. 😀

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