
And now for something completely different...  

15 thoughts on “10/05/2011

  1. say wha . . . ?

      1. Oh god I remember that show. It used to scare me.

        1. YES. FEAR IT.

  2. Adam in Wonderland?

  3. LL!!! (that stands for “Literally LOLed”)

  4. Sometimes you’ve just got to say “What the fudge?”.

  5. Something seems a bit off about Cait’s front in the top panel, though.

    1. It looks to me like with her stomach being even bigger there isn’t really a defined line between her breasts and belly.

      1. It’s that her hand and Adam’s face are obscuring where that separation is.

  6. Hahaha! Please say this continues! xD

    1. This continues.

      And personally I find it superfun to color.

  7. OK…took me a while to figure out why things looked a little “cartoon” or CGI-ish. No shading on the characters in Wonderland.

    At first I thought Adam fainted from the classic anime “hormone overload”. Now it looks like something more interesting.

  8. LOL—whuuuuuut?

  9. We interrupt your daily main plot for this special side story.
    Side story, where nothing really happens, but you’ll watch it anyway. XD

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