
9 thoughts on “09/19/2012

  1. “Not yet”?

  2. Caitlyn’s parents are noticing…. something, and Pan’s having trouble with his own illusion/transformation? Does not bode well for Cait (and the group)! O.o

  3. Pan puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us!

  4. Performance issues? Don’t worry, it’s common for men around forty to fifty hundred years old.

  5. This page brought out all the comedians 😛

  6. Kill-Bill Vol 1 reference?

    The Bride: “Move… your big… toe.”

    Pan: “Make… a big… toe.”

    1. I have not seen that movie. (She has not seen any movie, Lyze would reply. )

  7. It’s like putting on some pants….by twisting your body structure until you fit into them.

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