
Cornucopia is like a Ryan's or Golden Corral.

8 thoughts on “09/13/2010

  1. It cracks me up to see Adam there with so many pregnant girls. Odd ball out… Or odd stick.

    Also, if I hadn’t been reading this for forever, I’d really have to wonder…

    1. He did it. 😀

      1. Adam forgot his pimp-hat at home lol

  2. Wow, a size and height chart! This is something you rarely see in normal comics, much less pregnant/fat comics. Thanks, and looks great as always! Keep up the great work. This helps because I never realized how short Danielle was or how large were Kasumi or Taryn.

    1. I accidentally made Kasumi a bit too tall she’s closer to Cait’s height. Maybe she’s just closer to the viewer. Yeah.. that’s it.

      I always have trouble keeping multiple characters on the page in perspective.

  3. I feel bad for the people working at the reasturant. I know when my friend was pregnant and a waiter tried to take her plate before she was done she smacked his hand away. It was so funny, I almost felt bad for the guy. Course the place had her waiting for an hour for her food so she was about to eat the table. Course this was at a wedding so we all had to wait but oh my I cannot even imagine what might have happened if my aunt did not have that candy bar. it could have gotten ugly.

  4. Well Adam sure looks like a ladies man facing severe repercussions on this page 😀 Gotta wonder what the staff are thinking

  5. I wonder if there’s an actual place called Cornucopia? Feels like a missed opportunity for a good all-you-can-eat place. XD

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