
4 thoughts on “09-28-2016

  1. I’ve been loving this story arc, but I honestly can’t tell what happened in the last two panels with regards to her spear. Did she throw the spear and miss or did it get knocked away? I don’t mean it in a bad way, its just confusing.

    1. She stabbed it into it’s foot. I’ve been having a hard time with the action stuff. Especially in relation of the size of the players. Maybe I’m not Marvel Material afterall. 😛

      Actually could have sworn I drew it going into the foot though. I draw this a month ago.

      1. Ah, now that you mention it, it does look like she stabbed it in the foot to keep it pinned to the ground. Sorry, I’m just an idiot!

      2. I assumed she was casually stabbing the bird in the foot, followed by trying to help push it down because she is SOOO done with flyers and ####. XD

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