I can kind of see where Adam’s coming from. He basically doesn’t know if he likes his female best friend that way just because of how she is, or just simply because she’s pregnant. He might be worried that once she reverts back to normal after the birth, he won’t have any feelings for her anymore.
In a nutshell, he’s worried that his feelings for her isn’t real or something, and just based on his fetish.
Wow, there’s depth there beyond “I dunno if she likes me back,” there. I’m impressed, Adam. 🙂 You definitely are more worthy of her. (Beyond becoming worthy by being you and then more worthy by beating up Cyril for being a creeper)
I just found your comic about six days ago. I found it by way of Jackie (Between Failures) and I have now read them all. I just wanted to say…..They are GREAT, and I am looking forward to seeing more. thank you.
5 thoughts on “07/22/2011”
Aurora Moon
I can kind of see where Adam’s coming from. He basically doesn’t know if he likes his female best friend that way just because of how she is, or just simply because she’s pregnant. He might be worried that once she reverts back to normal after the birth, he won’t have any feelings for her anymore.
In a nutshell, he’s worried that his feelings for her isn’t real or something, and just based on his fetish.
EEEXXXactly!!! 😀
Wow, there’s depth there beyond “I dunno if she likes me back,” there. I’m impressed, Adam. 🙂 You definitely are more worthy of her. (Beyond becoming worthy by being you and then more worthy by beating up Cyril for being a creeper)
I just found your comic about six days ago. I found it by way of Jackie (Between Failures) and I have now read them all. I just wanted to say…..They are GREAT, and I am looking forward to seeing more. thank you.
Thanks. :B