
Dani told Taryn. Taryn told everyone but Cait.

9 thoughts on “07/08/2011

  1. Barrowman! Grr…

  2. haha. I just love Adam’s expression in the last panel. It’s very reminiscent of those cartoon villains shaking their fist after their evil plot has been foiled.

  3. Drat! Foiled again. ^_^

  4. Poor Adam. I know how awkward this is. Then again, none of my friends actually were… y’know… so I imagine he’s got it worse.

  5. oh my god, panel four!

  6. wow, this comic just completely answered the question I posted on the last comic!

    1. Which is why we didn’t answer then.

  7. “Dinkleberg…I mean, Dani…berg….”

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