
5 thoughts on “05-28-2014

  1. I’m impressed by Loki’s grasp of modern technology. Most thousand-year-old gods have their minds stuck in the dark ages.

    ….like the 1960s. 🙂

    1. Is that a shot at Captain America? lol

      1. Sort of. I was playing the “fish out of water” trope, but not consciously referring to Cap.

        I almost referred to him as “Mr. Rogers”…[facepalm] 🙂

    2. I do find the idea that Ancient figures can’t go with the flow when they are essentially representations of us. Loki is a trickster and good at misinformation. The internet would be his playground.

  2. What sort of epic music would the girls be playing as their driving to save Dani?

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