
You don't know what you do, Dani's mom.

6 thoughts on “03/30/2011

  1. Oh my, Pan’s taking Dani on a date isn’t he?

    1. Two people going out, I suppose it is. Dani probably doesn’t realize it though.

  2. I just hope he doesn’t mess this up and scare her away.

  3. wow… stumbled onto one comic, backtracked and just finished reading the whole thing. Pretty awesome stuff, great story! Glad I found it. And no, Im not like Creeper… I mean Cyril.

  4. Aww. Dani is so cute! (and Pan is awesome, I love tricksters)

  5. GIR
    “YAAAY!! TACHOS!!!!”

    “…Did you hear something?”

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