
6 thoughts on “01-19-2015

  1. They’re all just squeezing in there.

    1. My high school principal’s office was even smaller. You could barely squeeze in two pregnant students.

      1. Have…you actually measured by pregnant woman?

  2. So…what?

    We have idea whatsoever why you could possibly have called us into your office… [halo]

    [halo clatters to the ground as the string holding it snaps]

  3. So either what they did was a Hoax in which case The School has nothing, or they have godlike super powers… in which case why oh why risk making them angry?
    Pfft, Authority Figures always feel the need to assert Authority.

  4. I feel like two of the three in charge of the school here were once super villains…or still are. lol

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