
6 thoughts on “12-24-2018

  1. Do you always work through the holidays ?

    1. I have a large buffer of pages. I do work on some holidays depends if I go out of town.

  2. Poor Dani, Loki can’t shut his non-physical yap and none of the other girls can hear him.

    {part 1/2}

  3. Since Danielle can read minds, had Loki picked one of the other girls to move in to, would she be able to hear his talking via her telepathy?

  4. Dani is the one person that ought be able to make Loki shut up. She’s a telepath. Can she learn how to block him? Or better, isolate him?

  5. Oh, gosh. I’m going back through some of my favorite parts of the story, and I don’t know why I didn’t notice this before. Something about that background in the second-to-last panel is really messing with my eyes. It’s like when you see spots after taking a flash photo.

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