
6 thoughts on “02-04-2019

  1. and here we have perv taryn trying to push adam and cait’s relationship even further than it did during prom. :> (this is me guessing but i wouldnt put it past her)

    1. Taryn is a grade A busybody yes, but I think that she genuinely likes to know how her friends are doing and is pleased when they’re happy.

  2. Alrighty then, seems Taryn is going to talk to Adam about:
    A, how meany times he and Cait have ‘done it’ sense they started dating.
    B, had he tell Cait about his specific kink yet.
    And/or C, how their dating life has been going so far.

  3. “Green and gold. Lots of green and gold.”

    1. wrong loki wrong loki wrong loki XD

  4. Loki is negging 🙁


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